Classwork 7

Pandas Basics - Reshaping DataFrames; Joining DataFrames; Concatenating Rows and Columns


Byeong-Hak Choe


February 24, 2025


February 9, 2025

Part 1 - Pivoting DataFrames

Question 1

Make ny_pincp longer.

ny_pincp = pd.read_csv('')

Question 2

  • Make a wide-form DataFrame of covid whose variable names are from countriesAndTerritories and values are from cases.


Part 2 - Joining DataFrames

The CSV files are related each other, as described above.

flights = pd.read_csv("")
airlines = pd.read_csv("")
airports = pd.read_csv("")
planes = pd.read_csv("")
weather = pd.read_csv("")

Variables in flights DataFrame

  • year, month, day: Date of departure.

  • dep_time, arr_time: Actual departure and arrival times (format HHMM or HMM), local tz.

  • sched_dep_time, sched_arr_time: Scheduled departure and arrival times (format HHMM or HMM), local tz.

  • dep_delay, arr_delay: Departure and arrival delays, in minutes. Negative times represent early departures/arrivals.

  • carrier: Two letter carrier abbreviation. See airlines DataFrame to get full names.

  • flight: Flight number.

  • tailnum: Plane tail number. See planes DataFrame for additional metadata.

  • origin, dest: Origin and destination. See airports DataFrame for additional metadata.

  • air_time: Amount of time spent in the air, in minutes.

  • distance: Distance between airports, in miles.

  • hour, minute: Time of scheduled departure broken into hour and minutes.

  • time_hour: Scheduled date and hour of the flight as a datetime64. Along with origin, can be used to join flights data to weather DataFrame

Question 3

  • Merge flights with weather.


Question 4

  • Identify the full name of the airline with the highest average dep_delay, considering only positive delays.


Question 5

  • Find the airline that has the largest proportion of flights with longer than 30-minute dep_delay.

  • Hint: numpy.where() is like an if-else statement, which can be very useful:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Sample DataFrame with temperatures
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'City': ['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago', 'Houston', 'Phoenix'],
    'Temperature (C)': [12, 22, 7, 25, 30]

# Categorize temperatures using numpy.where
df['Category'] = np.where(df['Temperature (C)'] < 10, 'Cold', 'Not Cold'))


Part 3 - Concatenating Rows and Columns

student_data1 = pd.DataFrame({
        'student_id': ['S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5'],
         'name': ['Danniella Fenton', 'Ryder Storey', 'Bryce Jensen', 'Ed Bernal', 'Kwame Morin'], 
        'marks': [200, 210, 190, 222, 199]})

student_data2 = pd.DataFrame({
        'student_id': ['S4', 'S5', 'S6', 'S7', 'S8'],
        'name': ['Scarlette Fisher', 'Carla Williamson', 'Dante Morse', 'Kaiser William', 'Madeeha Preston'], 
        'marks': [201, 200, 198, 219, 201]})

Question 6

  • Write a Pandas code to join the two given DataFrames along rows and assign all data.


Question 7

  • Write a Pandas code to join the two given DataFrames along columns and assign all data.


Question 8

  • Consider the following Pandas Series:
s6 = pd.Series(['S6', 'Scarlette Fisher', 205], index=['student_id', 'name', 'marks'])

Write a Pandas code to append rows to the DataFrame student_data1.



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