Homework 1

Survey, Personal Website, and Python Basics


Byeong-Hak Choe


February 10, 2025


February 10, 2025


  • Please submit your Jupyter Notebook for Part 3 in Homework 1 to Brightspace with the name below:

    • danl-320-hw1-LASTNAME-FIRSTNAME.ipynb
      ( e.g., danl-320-hw1-choe-byeonghak.ipynb )
  • The due is February 17, 2024, 3:30 P.M.

  • Please send Byeong-Hak an email (bchoe@geneseo.edu) if you have any questions.

Part 1. Quarto Website

  1. Decorate your website:
  • Replace YOUR NAME with your name in _quarto.yml and index.qmd.
  • Describe yourself in index.qmd.
  • Add the picture file (e.g., png) of your profile photo to img directory. Then correct img/profile.png in index.qmd accordingly.
  • Add the PDF file of your resumé to the website working directory in your laptop.
  • Correct links for your resumé, LinkedIn, email, and optionally social media.
  • Make sure that you do not have any broken links in your website.
  1. Add a menu of “Project” to the navigation bar using danl_proj_nba.ipynb.
  • danl_proj_nba.ipynb file is available from Brightspace.
  1. Add a drop-down menu of “Python Data Analysis” to the navigation bar.
  • Under the menu of “Python Data Analysis”, add links for the following webpage:
    • Pandas Basics using pandas_basic.ipynb
    • Seaborn Basics using seaborn_basic.ipynb
    • pandas_basic.ipynb and seaborn_basic.ipynb files are available from Brightspace.
  1. Add a “PySpark Basics” blog post to your blog using Jupyter Notebook.
  • In your “PySpark Basics” blog post, briefly explain Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and PySpark DataFrame we discussed in Lecture 5 and Lecture 6
  • Choose a proper image file for a thumbnail for a blog post.
  • An YAML header template for a blog post can be found below, including an image option:
author: YOUR_NAME
date: 2025-02-14
categories: [tag_1, tag_2, tag_3] # tags for a blog post (e.g., spark, python)
image: "image.png"

toc: true
  1. Use the 3-step git commands (git add ., git commit -m "MESSAGE", and git push) to update your online website.

Part 2. Python Basics

Question 0

Provide your GitHub username.

Question 1


  • Create a list of integers from 1 to 10.
  • Append the number 11 to the list and remove the number 5.


  • Consider the following dictionary of three employees and their salaries:
dict_salaries = {'Alice': 50000, 'Bob': 60000, 'Charlie': 70000}
  • Add a new employee 'Dana' with a salary of 65000.
  • Update 'Alice'’s salary to 55000.
  • Print all employee names and their salaries.

Question 2


  • Assign a variable salary to 75000.
  • Use an if-elif-else statement to print:
    • 'Low' if salary is less than 50,000
    • 'Medium' if salary is between 50,000 and 99,999
    • 'High' if salary is 100,000 or more


  • Assign two variables, role and salary, to 'Manager' and 85000, respectively.

  • Use nested if-else statements to print:

    • 'Eligible for bonus' if the role is 'Manager' and the salary is greater than 80,000.
    • 'Eligible for raise' if the role is 'Analyst' and the salary is less than 60,000.
    • 'No action needed' for all other cases.

Question 3


  • Consider the following list of salaries:
list_salaries = [45000, 60000, 75000, 120000, 30000]
  • Calculate the average salary.
  • Use a for loop to print whether each salary is 'Above Average' or 'Below Average'.


  • Start with a salary of 50000.
  • Use a while loop to increase the salary by 5000 each year until it exceeds 80000.
  • Print the salary after each increment.


  • Consider the following dictionary of employee salaries:
salaries = {'Alice': 50000, 'Bob': 60000, 'Charlie': 70000, 'Dana': 45000}
  • Use a for loop to print the names of employees who earn more than 55000.


data_list = [42, 3.14, 'Data Analytics', True, None, [1, 2, 3], {'key': 'value'}, (4, 5)]
  • Given the list above, print the data type of each element using the type() function in a for loop. In the loop:
    • Convert the integer 42 to a string.
    • Convert the float 3.14 to a string, then back to a float.
    • Convert the boolean True to an integer.

Question 4


Consider the variables a and b:

a = 10
b = 0
  • Use a try-except block to print the result of a / b.
    • If there is an error, print 'Cannot divide by zero!'.


  • Consider the following dictionary of salaries with some missing (None) values:
salaries = {'Alice': 50000, 'Bob': None, 'Charlie': 70000, 'Dana': None, 'Eve': 80000}
  • Use a for loop with a try-except block to calculate the total of non-missing salaries.

Question 5

  • Import the math library and calculate the square root of 81 using the sqrt() function provided by the math library.

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