Lecture 6

pandas Basics - Loading Data

Byeong-Hak Choe

SUNY Geneseo

February 10, 2025

Workflow for File Management

Workflow for File Management

  • Save your Jupyter Notebook for each class to a dedicated directory in your local laptop, Google Drive, or a new GitHub repo.
    • Go to File and select Save …/ ( e.g., danl-210-lec-08-2025-0210.ipynb)

Workflow for File Management

Your Personal Website

  • In your local website project directory, avoid having
    • Any file that exceeds 30 MB in size;
    • .ipynb files you do not use for your website.
  • Your website project directory should include files specifically dedicated to your website.

Workflow for File Management

Jupyter Notebooks for Your Webpage

  1. Run Python code cells in a Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb) on Google Colab. Then, download the Jupyter Notebook from Google Colab.
  2. Use the Finder/File Explorer to move the Jupyter Notebook file (.ipynb) to your website project directory. (If it is for a blog post, create a subdirectory in the posts directory, and move it to the subdirectory.)
  3. Edit _quarto.yml properly. Save the changes by clicking the floppy disk icon (💾).
  4. On Terminal, run quarto render.
  5. Once quarto render completes, view the index.html in your website working directory to see the HTML output.
  6. After confirming the HTML output, use the 3-step git commands (add-commit-push) on Terminal to update your online website.

Pandas Basics and Remaining Course Contents

Pandas Basics

Learning Objectives

  • Loading DataFrame with read_csv()
  • Getting a Summary with info() and describe()
  • Selecting and Relocating Variables with []
  • Counting Values with value_counts(), nunique(), and count()
  • Sorting with sort_values() and sort_index()
  • Indexing with set_index() and reset_index()
  • Locating Observations and Values with loc[] and iloc[]
  • Mathematical & Vectorized Operations
  • Adding, Removing, and Renaming Variables
  • Converting Data Types with .astype()
  • Filtering Observations

Pandas Basics

Learning Objectives

  • Dealing with Missing Values
  • Dealing wit Duplicates
  • Reshaping DataFrames with .melt() and .pivot()
  • Joining DataFrames with .merge()
  • Concatenating DataFrames

Data Collection

Learning Objectives

  • Scrapping web tables with .read_html()
  • Scrapping web data with selenium
  • Collecting web data with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

Pandas Group Operations & Data Visualization

Learning Objectives

  • Using Custom Functions and Anonymous Functions
  • Grouping DataFrames with groupby(), .agg(), and .transform()
  • Visualizing DataFrames with seaborn

Loading Data

Series and DataFrame

  • Series: a collection of a one-dimensional object containing a sequence of values.

  • DataFrame: a collection of Series columns with an index.

Importing a data set with read_csv()

  • A CSV (comma-separated values) is a plain-text file that uses a comma to separate values (e.g., nba.csv).

  • The CSV is widely used for storing data, and we will use this throughout the module.

  • We use the read_csv() function to load a CSV data file.

import pandas as pd
nba = pd.read_csv("https://bcdanl.github.io/data/nba.csv")
  • The DataFrame is the workhorse of the pandas library and the data structure.

Importing a data set with read_csv()

nba = pd.read_csv("https://bcdanl.github.io/data/nba.csv",
                  parse_dates = ["Birthday"])
  • We can use the parse_dates parameter to coerce the values into datetimes.

Loading Data

Mounting Google Drive on Google Colab

from google.colab import drive, files
  • drive.mount('/content/drive')
    • To mount your Google Drive on Google colab:
  • files.upload()
    • To initiate uploading a file on Google Drive:
  • To find a pathname of a CSV file in Google Drive:
    • Click 📁 from the sidebar menu
    • drive ➡️ MyDrive
    • Hover a mouse cursor on the CSV file
    • Click the vertical dots
    • Click “Copy path”

Loading Data

Colab’s Interactive DataFrame Display

from google.colab import data_table
data_table.enable_dataframe_formatter()  # Enabling an interactive DataFrame display
  • Colab includes an extension that renders pandas DataFrames into interactive displays.

Loading Data

Another Interactive DataFrame Display

# !pip install itables
from itables import init_notebook_mode, show
  • itables provides similar interactive displays for DataFrames.
    • For a blog post, itables‘s interactive displays may work better than google.colab’ ones.